Thursday, June 25, 2009

Comment with Caution

I've certainly adopted the attitude of "if you can't win, join them" when it comes to the new media revolution. I blog (with less-than-stellar regularity) and twitter (who doesn't have time for a 140-character tweet now and then), Facebook and Digg (are these all verbs now?). I even find myself scrolling down to the bottom of real news stories to see what other readers think of this or that story, and once in a while add my own two-cents to these transient, much-ado-about-nothing debates.

I've found that some of these people are really, really stupid. And these so-called debates are really just ways to vent and rage. (That's what blogs and right-wing radio talk shows are for.)

Find any weather story about a cold snap or maybe a spate of rainstorms, like we've had in Denver over the last few weeks. Scroll down to the comments. Invariably, there some moron who interjects that such and such an event just goes to show you that global warming and climate change are bunk, some sort of leftist (and, now, Obama) conspiracy to steal tax dollars. For what purpose? It's never really clear. Maybe so GOP, Bible-wielding politicians like Gov. Sanford can go bang hot South American chicks on the public teat. Mmmm ... South American teats ...

Seriously, weather and climate are two different topics, but there's no convincing some people. I just hope these people have luxury homes on the Florida coast.

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